Monday, June 30, 2008

She's Home

and Mummy's happy. She rode half way(or better) home with her cabin Mom and I was in a panic until we picked her up in Portsmouth. Then she talked non-stop until we got home 5 hours later. It was ok though I had missed her voice around the house.
They called from the road when they left camp so that we could time the pick up. When I answered the phone I was expecting the cabin Moms' voice but instead I got this little "Hi Mummy" I am not a crier but I almost lost it right there. She was only gone 5 days, I am in so much trouble when she goes off to college.

Lilia had an observation about her ride home
She says " In their van they had 4 screens for the DVD player and we watched some movie with music in the title"
Daddy "The Sound of Music?"
Lil "YEAH!! it was weird"
Daddy and Mummy in unison "The hills are allllive with the sound of muuuusic"
Lilia " Um yeah, don't do that again"
Daddy and Mummy "Do a deer and female deer, ray a drop of golden suuuunnn, mi a name I call myself, fa a long long way to ruuuuun" all sang in falsetto for Daddy
Lilia "you are sooo weird, anyway they all sang along together to the movie. They are entirely too nice"

She was almost disgusted by the niceness, poor kid is jaded already and only 10 years old. We are a sarcastic lot around here it's how we show love. I totally LOLed over the whole "entirely too nice" thing.


Anonymous said...

Definitely sassy.

Reds said...

She is so cute!! Love the freckles ;) -

Anonymous said...

I love the first one!

2peasChicago said...

Your blog looks GREAT! LOVE that first shot, made me giggle outloud.

pat said...

Love those freckles!!!

Jess said...

ROFL! She sounds like my kids! I have such a weird, sarcastic sense of humor and it's rubbed off on my kiddos. They think "normal" people are weird too. :p

LOVE these sassy photos... oh YEAH, she is DEFINITELY a tween! LOL

Margaret said...

So funny! Love her expressions!

Becky said...

She's home already? That five days went by fast (for me, not you :-D) I love both of these--sassy is definitely the right word. I love the perspective of the second shot. I'm never quite sure how to achieve that look.

Amy said...

LOVE these two shots of her, so cute! You can really see her personality and from reading what you wrote, it is confirmed! :)

Suzy said...

Awwww I'll bet you missed her tons! What a cute freckled face! I can just imagine her talking for hours lol. What a sweetie!

Unknown said...

love that pre-teen attitude! so fun. sounds like she had a good time. love the look of your blog!

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

What a cute shot of her. I just love her freckles. Glad shes back home and happy.

pakosta said...

she is just too cute! and entirely too darling!

Angela2932 said...

Both are perfect shots! I love the cropping in the first one, and great processing!