Saturday, June 21, 2008

8th Grade Recognition and other stuff

Yessir, I officially have a high schooler now, not sure how it happened so fast, but happen it did.
How is it that time can both go sooooo slow and so fast all at the same time? It seems like I was just sending him off for his first day of school yesterday and then, BAM!, he's done with grade school. I dread how fast these next four years are going to be.

Of course a I have to show a few photos of the man in his duds. He did look right shahhhp! That is once he figured out how to tie his tie. :D

He and his buddy were all smiles for once( if you have a 14 year old boy you know what I mean).

I finally got a decent shot of all three of my little heathens, decent meaning everyone was looking in my general direction and had something like a smile on their face.

Had to get one in of Izzy because she is getting HUGE! Plus I love the light in this one.

Last but not least one of my new faves of Lilia.


Becky said...

LIZ!!!!! I keep meaning to e-mail you and thank you for your comment the other day (or maybe the other week?) and here you are! It's so great to see/hear from you. The kids look great. You're where I was a year ago, and my Cam absolutely thrived his first year of high school--I hope it will be the same situation at your house.

Jess said...

Awww! I know what you mean, my oldest will be in 7th grade this year. It makes me sad how grown-up he seems lately. And I absolutely know what you mean about the smiles (or lack thereof!). Sigh. :)

Joanne Fowler said...

Wow! they grow up so fast! Love the last on of your daughter!

Amy said...

Love that first shot of him working on his tie and the one of the three kids is really nice too!

pakosta said...

so happy you updated!
LOVe the one of your 3!
and your oldest one really should get more photos taken, he has a really cool unique look!!!

Amy said...

Sweet pics! I have a dd who's starting 9th grade too. Bleah.

Margaret said...

It's amazing how quickly they grow, isn't it? My oldest is almost 19!!! Yikes! When did that happen? You have beautiful children. :)

Sharon said...

Congrats! And what a handsome freshman he is.