Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The "Where the HECK have you been?"

I don't know how some of you do it every day; kids, school, work, activities, housework, POTD etc etc etc. So, yeah, I have time management issues, not to mention lack of energy and drive. Booooooo to me!
So this is what I have been up to over the last MONTH(I cannot believe it has been almost a month since I have found the time to check in here).

Gymnastics... the season is almost over, YIPPEEEE!!!
This was Lilia's last regular season meet, she took first all around and the rest I can't remember. I promise it is not too long. :)

And this is her shot from States where she took First All Around, Bars and Beam and Third Vault and Floor. All with a badly pulled hamstring.

Then baseball season has started up. This means not only do I coach gymnastics 3 days a week minimum, I also have baseball games and practices to attend 3-4 days a week. UGH!!!
I can't complain too much because as hectic as it is I actually enjoy being busy.

This is Gavin's first ever Little League game(real baseball game ever for that matter). He got walked and then stole second and third and then came home on a hit.
Stealing third!

Made it!

Then just because working and raising three kids didn't seem to be enough I(we but mostly me :D) decided now was a great time for a PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is Isobel, AKA Izzy, Izzy B, Bratski and Wizzy.

Her first trip to the beach.