Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I searched for signs of life all spring but had given up hope that my lovely columbine had come back this year. Then a few days ago I noticed some familiar leaves under the stairs. I thought for sure it was some kind of weed mocking me, making me think I might just have my columbine back. Then I saw THIS.

Bloom where you are planted.

Oh and please excuse my janky steps, they were supposed to be temporary and we just never got around to building new ones.

In other news yesterday we spent 17 hours on the road with Lilia and Gavin(well technically only 7 of those hours were with Lilia). We dropped Lilia off at gymnastics camp in western NY and then drove home. BLAH!!!!! She was SOOoooooo freaking excited I thought we were going to have to tie her to the roof of the car just to get there with our sanity in tact.
We left Grady home because he was being picked up a little later in the day to be dropped off at his camp for 3 1/2 weeks! I cannot believe he is gone for that long, I almost turned down the opportunity for him to go when I heard how long it was. But this is a REALLY exclusive camp that he gets to go to for free. Every year they get a list of local kids as back-ups in case someone who signed up couldn't go. Grady was at the top of the list and got picked for the Allagash canoe trip, two weeks canoeing the Allagash and 1 1/2 weeks back at camp. So for now I have one child at home and I don't quite know what to do with myself.

Lilia says, peace out peeps!

And yes she had this much energy the ENTIRE way to NY.


Reds said...

Love the vintage feel of your pics!!

Anonymous said...

These are so awesome...I love them and the vintage touch to them! I love the way your blog is looking! Love the poka dot background!

Anonymous said...

Very nice! I love the pp'ing!

pat said...

LOVE this shot! The fact that you have them framed by the steps, and the wonderful vintage action--very neat.

Anonymous said...

Love the vintage feel and textures.

Val said...

Looks gorgeous!! Don't worry about the steps. just call it naturally occurring texture. ;-)

Becky said...

I have columbine too but I had no idea what it was until I saw it on someone else's POTD blog. Mine has come and gone already, though. Hope the kids have a great time at camp (and being home alone with mom and dad)!

Krystle said...

Love the vintage you have going on here. And what a fun shot of your dd.

Anonymous said...

This blog set up is so awesome (and so you!) I love it. I loved your blogging about Lilia. I can't believe she is going to gymnastics camp all the way in New York! She is going to have a blast and come back with a whole set of new moves, so she will be even MORE unbeatable next year.

Its going to be so quiet in your house I bet.

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

Cute shot of her. How awesome that they get to go to camp for the summer.

♥ Amy said...

Your blog looks so warm and homey and I just love your columbine picture!

pakosta said...

how awesome for them! and for your one left at home to get some good quality time with mom!

Suzy said...

I love these! I really like your processing and if you ever want to "share" how you do this I'd be so greatful! You always have such wonderful work!

Jess said...

These are fabulous! I'm so glad your columbine came back, even if she IS hiding under the steps, lol! Your blog looks FANTASTIC too- I have really got to figure this whole custom blog thing out myself! :)

Sharon said...

Janky? That's a new one, I like it!